Build Powerful Web Applications For Decision Makers With R Shiny

“Help end users visualize and explore your R models with interactive apps that make your information more striking and engaging. They will grasp the story of their data and develop priceless insights that lead to better decisions.”

Bogdan Anastasiei

Showing R analysts how to create amazing Shiny applications

More about me

Dear R analyst,

If you want the valued ability to convert tiresome data analysis output into magnificent interactive reports, then this letter will show you how.

Here’s the deal…

I have created a video course called…

“R Shiny From Zero to Expert”

This course trains R data scientists to create professional Shiny applications. It is designed to turn you into a skilful Shiny developer as fast as possible.

That's my promise to you.

Upon completing the course, you will be able to take your own models and algorithms, put them in a reactive environment and develop a Web application that communicates your data science work in a highly captivating way.

Yes, you can achieve that in a short time even if you have no Web development experience. Shiny applications are very easy to write if you already know R.


Shiny apps enable users (your boss, colleagues, partners, clients) to explore your data analyses without any R knowledge or technical support. You just deploy your app on a specialized platform (I will show you how in the course) so people can see and utilize it, 24 hours a day.

They will be astonished with your apps, I guarantee!

Because they will get quick access to significant business insights, in a highly spectacular manner.

This is why Shiny expertise is in high demand and greatly rewarded. According to Zip Recruiter, a Shiny developer makes $123,147 per year, on average.

At this point you may want to ask me…

“Can You Show Me A Few App Examples From the Course?”


Below you have the links to 10 complex apps that solve real data analytics problems. We are going to build these apps in the last course Unit.

Take a little time to explore them. As they say, an example is worth one thousand words, so these apps speak a lot better than I do. Upon course completion you will have full abilities to create similar apps (or even more impressive ones).

Each link opens in a new window, so it’s safe to click while reading this letter.

Credit Card Transactions Report

Burglary Rate Prediction

Customer Attrition Prediction

Credit Rating Prediction

Product Price Recommendation

Alcohol Sales Forecast

Electricity Production Forecast (ARIMA)

Electricity Production Forecast (Model Selection)

Bank Customers Segmentation

Chain Restaurant Locations

Have you seen enough? Click the button to become a professional Shiny developer:

So, What Are You Going to Learn?

“Shiny From Zero to Expert” is a comprehensive course that touches all the essential aspects of Shiny development. It contains over 200 video lectures that add up to 20 hours of video training.

Everything is explained live, step by step, so you can replicate any procedure at any time you need it.

The course is organized into 11 Units that take the student from simple to more complicated.

Let’s see what you’ll learn from each Unit, very quickly.

Unit 1 - Getting Started

  • the essential components of any Shiny app
  • creating input objects that enable users to interact with the app
  • building output objects to display information in the app interface

Unit 2 - Reactivity

  • what is reactivity and why it is important
  • representing relationships between inputs and outputs with the reactive graph
  • how reactivity actually works (here you will understand how any Shiny app operates)
  • the reactive context (another key concept in reactive programming)
  • the reactivity building blocks (these are crucial – you are going to use them extensively in any application that you’ll build)

Unit 3 - User Feedback

  • making an input field required, so the user can’t go on if they didn’t complete that filed
  • validating an input – making sure that it has a licit value, and sending a warning message to the user otherwise
  • validating a combination of inputs
  • use a progress bar or a spinner (if your app does operations that take a long time to perform)
  • make the user confirm a potentially dangerous operation

Unit 4 - Dynamic User Interface

  • create dynamic input controls (that change when other input change)
  • build hierarchical dropdown lists
  • create reset buttons
  • make interface objects appear or disappear with conditional panels

Unit 5 - Working With Data Sets

  • how to manipulate data sets in a reactive environment, meaning…
  • filtering
  • selecting columns (defined dynamically using input controls)
  • sorting
  • creating tables from data sets and more

Unit 6 - Working With Charts and Images

  • building various types of charts in a reactive context (histograms, bar charts, scatterplot, boxplot etc.) using ggplot2
  • building interactive charts
  • drawing charts with dynamic sizes
  • manipulating images in Shiny

Unit 7 - Modules

  • when and how to use modules
  • the concept of namespacing
  • creating UI modules
  • creating server modules
  • assembling your modularized app

Unit 8 - Working With Files

  • uploading files in your app (and use them further for different purposes)
  • download objects created in your app as individual files

Unit 9 - Look-and-Feel

  • creating a grid layout for your app interface
  • using tabs and navigation lists to organize your app content
  • use pre-made and custom themes to make your app more pleasant to the eye
  • build HTML objects in your charts: tables, boxes, buttons etc. (this is indispensable knowledge if you want to create advanced aps)
  • use CSS (cascading style sheets) to control your app look down to the smallest details (don’t worry if you have little experience with CSS, I will explain everything in this Unit)

Unit 10 - Deploying Your App

  • creating and authorizing your account with Shinyapps
  • preparing your app for deploying
  • deploying (publishing) your app, so you can share it to the world
  • getting data (statistics) about your app functioning

Unit 11 - Case Studies

In this last Unit you will use your knowledge to build 10 real-world apps, based on real data. We will analyse each app thoroughly, showing you how it works and how the code is written.

You can review these apps here.

After studying these Units you will be able to build state-of-the-art Shiny apps for any organization in your field.

So here's the deal...

"R Shiny From Zero to Expert" is only $97, one-time. No upsells, no extras, no hidden costs. The price you see is the price you pay.

This price is only a small fraction of the real course value, if you think of the invaluable skills you'll get and the amazing things that you'll be able to accomplish.

Click the button to join the course and start learning Shiny right away:

However, if you're still on the edge, you can...

Take Advantage of the 30 Day Money-Back Guarantee

You simply won’t find a more hands-on video course on Shiny, at any price. However, if the course is not what you hoped it to be, just ask for the money back within 30 days.

I will refund you immediately. That’s a promise.

Within minutes, you will have access to the entire course. Take the time to review it, and if you feel it’s not for you, just ask and I’ll send your money back.

Get On Your Fast Track to Becoming an Expert Shiny Developer - Order the Course Today

See you inside!

Bogdan Anastasiei, PhD.

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